વોટ્સએપ ગ્રુપમાં જોડાવા ➙ ક્લિક કરો

આ આયુર્વેદિક જડીબુટ્ટી અનેક રોગોને ઉખાડી ફેંકશે… ગર્ભાશય, પેશાબ સંબંધી, યૌન સંબંધી અને પથરી જેવી અનેક સમસ્યાઓમાં છે રામબાણ… જાણો ઉપયોગની રીત..

Friends, there are many herbs in our Ayurveda which are helpful in maintaining our health. Buckwheat is one such herb which has proved to be beneficial for human health since centuries. It is one of the herbs that helps in controlling Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The fruits, leaves and pods of Gokhru are used medicinally in Ayurveda. It is not only for diseases but also very helpful in removing s-exual problems. Let us know the uses and benefits of bunions.

What is Gokhru?:- Gokhru is a branched plant that grows on the ground during the monsoon season. Its branches are up to 1.5 meters long and spread on the ground. The new parts of its branches are smooth. Its leaves are like gram leaves. But they are slightly bigger in size. Its flowers are bright yellow in color with small round thorns about 0.7 to 2 cm in diameter. Its fruits are small round flat pentagonal with two to six thorns and many seeds. Its roots are quite smooth and fibrous, light brown in color and slightly aromatic. Gokhru flowers from August to December. The effect of bunion is cold. Buckwheat is diuretic, vat bile, phlegm, swelling, pain relieving forceful and palatable.

Benefits of Gokhru: - You must have heard about the benefits of Gokhru, but we will know in detail about how and in which diseases it is beneficial and how to use Gokhru.

1) Headache Relief:- Nowadays more and more people are suffering from headache disease in their stressful life. Taking 10 to 20 mg decoction of Gokhru in the morning and evening provides relief in headache caused due to excess of Pitta, so using Gokhru is beneficial.

2) Problem of Asthma:- In today's polluted environment many people are suffering from Asthma. Consuming bun in this way will give quick relief from asthma. Taking two grams powder of gokhru fruit with two to three pieces of dried figs three times a day for a few days will provide relief from asthma. Make a fine powder by taking equal quantity of Gokhru and Ashwagandha with two spoons of honey and taking 250 mg of milk twice a day, it provides relief in respiratory problems and weakness.

3) Best for digestion:- Drinking Gokhru will help people with weak digestion to digest food easily. Mixing 30 to 40 milligrams of gokhru in 5 grams decoction of peepal powder and drinking it little by little increases the digestive power. This use of bunion is very beneficial.

4) In the problem of diarrhea:- If diarrhea occurs after eating spicy food, then bun is very useful. Taking 500 mg gokhru churna with salt twice a day is beneficial in loose motion and indigestion.

5) Valid in Urinary Problems:- Urinary problems in the urinary tract include many types of problems such as pain while urinating, burning sensation, retention of urine, scanty urination etc. Buckwheat is very beneficial in such problems. Mixing 20 to 30 ml decoction of Gokhru with 125 ml gram yam or honey, drinking it two to three times a day provides relief from urinary tract disease.

Boil 10 to 15 grams of the root of bunion and the same amount of rice in water and drink it, it increases urination. Mixing two-three pieces of black pepper and sugar in two grams of Patanjali Gokhru Churna and consuming it in the morning, afternoon and evening is beneficial in the urinary system.

6) Stones :- Due to today's lifestyle and polluted food and drink, the problem of stones is troubling people. Consuming cowpea helps in taking out the stones naturally. Consuming one spoon of Patanjali Gokhru Churna with honey three times a day and drinking goat's milk on top of it breaks the stone.

7) Uterine colic or uterine pain:- If there is pain in the uterus due to any reason, then the consumption of bun is very beneficial. Grind 5 grams of gokhru fruit, 5 grams of black raisins and 2 grams of licorice and take it twice a day, it ends uterine pain.

8) Rheumatoid Pain:- With increasing age, most people start having joint pain. Make a decoction by mixing equal quantity of gokhru fruit and quarter ginger and take it in the morning and night, it provides relief from back pain and joint pain.

9) Benefits of Gokhru in skin diseases :- Skin diseases are common in today's polluted environment. Grinding the fruit of Gokhru in water and applying it on the skin provides relief in itching, ringworm and skin related diseases.

10) Beneficial in low sperm count:- If you are having difficulty in becoming a father due to low sperm count, then take bun in this way. Boil 20 grams of Gokhru fruit in 250 ml milk and drink it twice a day to reduce sperm related problems. Apart from this, boiling 10 grams of buckwheat and 10 grams of asparagus in 250 ml milk and drinking it increases the quality of sperms and gives strength to the body.

11) Beneficial in getting rid of fever:- If there is frequent fever along with change of season, then consumption of bun is very beneficial. Make a decoction by boiling 15 grams of Gokhru Panchang in 250 ml water. Consuming this decoction repeatedly provides relief from the symptoms of fever. Apart from this, taking two grams of Patanjali Gokhru Panchang Churna regularly cures fever.

12) Leprosy (Bleeding from ear and nose):- If you are suffering from the problem of leprosy, then consumption of Gokhru is beneficial. Boil 10 grams of Gokhru in 250 ml milk and drink it, it provides benefit in leucorrhoea.

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